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MHIEC receives order for a waste-to-energy plant

| By Gerald Ondrey

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Environmental & Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd. (MHIEC), a group company of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI; Tokyo, Japan;, has received an order from the Yamagata Area Environmental Office Association, a body encompassing two cities and two towns in Yamagata Prefecture, for the construction and operation of municipal solid of waste (MSW) incineration facility (waste-to energy (WTE) plant). The project award calls for MHIEC to build two fluidized-bed gasification and melting systems with capacity of 150 ton/d and a waste-heat recovery system, and to operate the facility for a period of 20 years and 6 months. The total value of the order, construction and operation services combined, is approximately 18.5 billion yen (before taxes). The new plant is scheduled to go onstream in October 2017.

The newly received order, formally known as the Tachiyagawa Energy Recovery Facility Construction and Operation Project, calls for the creation of WTE Plant to replace the outmoded Tachiyagawa MSW Incineration Plant, a 180 ton/d facility in the city of Yamagata has operated in its Oazaurushiyama sector since 1982. The new plant will be constructed on adjoining land under a design, build and operate (DBO) scheme. Core equipment will include two fluidized-bed gasification and melting systems, each with capacity of 75 ton/d, and a steam-turbine power-generation and hot-water-supply system that runs on waste heat produced in the incineration process.

MHIEC will be responsible for the plant construction. After completion, plant operation will be handled by Yamagata Eco-Creation Co., Ltd., a company based in Yamagata City established with capital backing from MHIEC. In addition, a group of seven companies, including five from Yamagata City, will be formed to participate in construction and operation. In this way MHIEC will undertake the project working closely will local enterprises.

The Yamagata Area Environmental Office Association is an association jointly operated by Yamagata City, Kaminoyama City, Yamanobe Town and Nakayama Town to handle MSW and night soil treatment within their combined geographic area. Combustible waste generated in the area is treated at two incineration facilities operated by Yamagata City. The decision to construct and operate a new waste-to-energy plant was made in a quest to create a recycling-oriented society.