Metso Corp. (Helsinki, Finland; has decided to relocate its’ waste recycling business to new built factory and office facility in Denmark. Part of the relocating costs will be funded by selling the current property and estate in Horsens, Denmark. Metso has received a firm purchase offer from a local developer.
Horsens is one of the fastest growing cities in Denmark. Metso’s current property is located within the city’s limits, and developers are constantly seeking attractive options to develop the area. “We have now an opportunity to relocate our business to a logistically more suitable industrial area, and offer the current property to be developed for other purposes,” explains Uffe Hansen, president, Recycling business area.
The transaction is subject to final approval of the area’s development plan by the Horsens city council. The new facility, optimized for business needs, is estimated to be ready in 2020.
Metso’s recycling business provides equipment and services for mechanical treatment of metal scrap and solid waste. The waste recycling business has about 100 employees in addition to an extensive distributor and agent network. In total, over 800 Metso waste shredders are currently in operation globally, most of them in China, U.K., Germany, France and Italy.