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Meet Potable-Water Health Regulations with this Filter

| By Chemical Engineering

A high-flowing, low-pressure-drop carbon filter, the NanoCeram-PAC water-filter cartridge contains an electropositive (approximately 50 mV) filter media composed of nano-alumina on a microglass fiber matrix, with synthetic polymer fibers for increased pore size, flexibility and strength. Recently certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 53, the cartridge can now claim a 99.95% reduction of cysts. According to the firm, additional certification is being pursued for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), chlorine and particulate reduction. The device is also capable of removing both soluble and insoluble total organic carbon, chloroform, bacteria and viruses. It is currently available in 2.5-in. dia., 5- and 10-in. long, double open-end models, as well as a 4.5-in. dia., 20-in. long configuration that can be integrated to flows as high as 830 gal/min. — Argonide Corp., Sanford, Fla.