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A material handling system for additive manufacturing

| By Chemical Engineering



The Additive Manufacturing Material Handling System (photo) is designed specifically to enhance additive manufacturing (3-D printing) technology when handling metal powders or toxic materials. The system consists of three elements to recover any unused material, screen it and finally return the material to the machine or a container for future use. It is available as a mobile unit or a fixed floor-mounted assembly. Developed with the company’s pneumatic vacuum technology, it offers contained transfer of material from pick-up locations to the manufacturing unit, and then through the capture, integrated screening and return-to-use stations. It has been used in operations with a variety of materials, including tungsten, cobalt, silver powder, iron, stainless steel, alumina, nickel chrome, copper and carbide dust, with bulk densities ranging from 93 to 341 lb/ft3. The unit works in both a normal air environment and under an inert gas. — Volkmann, Inc., Bristol, Pa.