Improved robot fleet management with CBM
This company’s new condition-based maintenance (CBM) service enables robot users to create a preventive maintenance schedule for individual or robot fleets based on real-time operational data to optimize productivity and minimize downtime (photo). CBM uses real-time data on robot operations to help identify any potential issues that could affect performance, including duty, speed, acceleration and gearbox wear. These variables are compared against other robots in the company’s worldwide robot database to calculate the likelihood and timeframe of a potential fault or failure. Aimed at users with large fleets of robots, this CBM tool can advise whether remedial action is required, involving either repair or replacement of affected parts. By identifying which parts are likely to fail and when, spare parts can be purchased and prepared without having to hold them in stock, helping users to plan their budgets and ensure that resources are available to carry out the work when required. — ABB, Zurich, Switzerland