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Storing and processing anhydrous hydrogen chloride as an ionic liquid

Hydrogen chloride is an important byproduct of the chemical industry, with over 9-million ton/yr generated by industrial chlorination processes, such as the production of chloromethanes and polymers (polyurethanes and polycarbonates). Although HCl can be easily recovered by gas scrubbing with…

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Electrochemical sensor selectively detects dangerous bacteria

Researchers at Goethe University Frankfurt ( and Kiel University (both Germany; have developed a new sensor for the detection of bacteria. It is based on a chip with a surface coating that ensures only very specific microorganisms, such as…

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Evolving Demand and Feed Profiles Challenge Refiners

Trends related to the energy transition are shifting global demand for refined products and affecting feedstock slates, forcing petroleum refiners to embrace adaptation and flexibility Demand for fossil fuels has remained strong in the years after the COVID-19 pandemic, but…

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Improving sodium-ion batteries with nanocellular graphene

Nanocellular graphene (NCG) is a specialized form of graphene that achieves a large specific surface area by stacking multiple layers of graphene and controlling its internal structure with a nanoscale cellular morphology. Although the material has the potential to improve…

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Industrial Robots Forge Ahead

Performance improvements in robotics technologies for manufacturing and energy operations are leading to greater productivity, cost savings and safety improvements In the chemical process industries (CPI), mobile robots, often in conjunction with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), are…

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Solid-state synthesis simplifies cathode manufacture

The production and processing of cathode active materials (CAM) are among the largest contributors to the cost of lithium-ion battery manufacturing. Typical CAM manufacture involves multiple, multi-phase steps in a co-precipitation process that requires a large amount of water and…

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A faster way to manufacture bipolar plates

Bipolar plates (BPPs) are a key component in electrolyzers and fuel cells. BPPs include two key components: the membrane electrode assembly (MEA), in a fuel-cell system; and the catalyst-coated membrane (CCM), in an electrolyzer. In a fuel-cell stack, for example,…

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Business News: April 2024

Plant Watch EuroChem launches phosphate-fertilizer manufacturing complex in Brazil March 14, 2024 — EuroChem Group (Zug, Switzerland; opened a new fertilizer-production facility in Serra do Salitre, Brazil. With a total project investment of nearly $1 billion, the new phosphate…

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Recovering lithium with thermal-swing liquid-liquid deionization

Much of the planet’s lithium is contained in brine, but the concentration is often quite low, making it difficult to efficiently extract lithium — typical extraction technologies may only demonstrate 30–60% yield. Adionics (Les Ulis, France; has developed a…

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Chementator Briefs

CO2 liquefaction Last month, Linde Engineering (Pullach, Germany; signed a contract with Yara International ASA (Oslo, Norway; to build a world-scale carbon dioxide liquefaction plant in Sluiskil, the Netherlands. The Sluiskil project forms a key part of Yara’s…