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Chementator: Smelling false alarms

An electronic nose capable of distinguishing between cigarette smoke and smoke from an office or factory fire has been developed by a consortium of nine European companies and research institutions, with funding from the EU’s IST (Information Society Technologies) program.…

Chementator: Biodiesel

Lurgi AG (Frankfurt, Germany; is building the world’s largest biodiesel plant for Neckermann-Renewables GmbH (Würzburg, Germany). When the E64-million facility starts up in December at Piesteritz, Germany, it will produce more than 200,000 m.t./yr of biodiesel from rapeseed. The…

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Rapid development helps to scale up new MMA route quickly

Lucite International (Southampton, U.K.;, plans to build a 100,000-m.t./yr methyl methacrylate (MMA) plant that will use the company’s patented Alpha MMA technology for the first time. Lucite is currently reviewing site options, with plant startup scheduled for late 2007.…