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Chementator: A new anode may double the energy density of Li-ion batteries

Using lithium metal as the anode of secondary Li-ion batteries would double the energy density of conventional batteries, which use anodes based on carbon. However, Li-based anodes suffer from the problem of dendrite crystal formation during the charge and discharge…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: Beyond petroleum

With plans to double its investment in alternative energy, BP (London; has formed BP Alternative Energy (Sunbury, U.K.), which will manage an investment program in solar, wind, H2, and IGCC power generation.   Click here for a full pdf…

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Chementator: Carbon nanotubes

CEVP Ltd. (Newhaven, U.K.; has developed a fabrication tool that grows carbon nanotubes (CNTs) at room temperature by a process developed by the University of Surrey’s Advanced Technology Institute (ATI; U.K.; The NanoGrowth tool is undergoing trials at…

Member Exclusive


Last month, BASF AG (Ludwigshafen, Germany; started up its first plant for producing cyclohexane. The $12-million investment, located on the Friesenheimer Island, produces 130,000 m.t./yr cyclohexane from benzene using a new process developed by BASF. Without disclosing details, BASF…

Member Exclusive

Outlook for 2006: Challenges Plus Chances

As the chemical process industries (CPI) enter 2006, executives, economists and other observers articulate a host of challenges, along with assorted bright spots and opportunities. All these were brought into sharp focus in New York in December, during the Chemical…

Chementator: Semi-renewable plastic

BASF AG (Ludwigshafen, Germany; has developed a biodegradable plastic that contains 45% polylactic acid, a biodegradable polymer made from corn (CE, November 2003, pp. 42, 43). The remaining component is BASF’s biodegradable plastic, Ecoflex, which is derived from petrochemicals.…

Chementator: This end-of-pipe process treats all fluegas pollutants…

This month, the first field tests will be conducted on a pilot plant, developed by WOW Energy, Inc. (Sugar Land, Tex.;, to remove mercury, oxides of sulfur (SOx) and nitrogen (NOx), particulates, heavy metals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)…

Chementator: …and this process makes power from waste heat  

WOW Energy (see item above) has also developed a patented process that uses commercial, off-the shelf components to reduce the FG temperature to near ambient, while converting the extracted thermal energy into electricity. The cascading closed-loop cycle (CCLC) does this…

Chementator: Smelling false alarms

An electronic nose capable of distinguishing between cigarette smoke and smoke from an office or factory fire has been developed by a consortium of nine European companies and research institutions, with funding from the EU’s IST (Information Society Technologies) program.…

Chementator: Biodiesel

Lurgi AG (Frankfurt, Germany; is building the world’s largest biodiesel plant for Neckermann-Renewables GmbH (Würzburg, Germany). When the E64-million facility starts up in December at Piesteritz, Germany, it will produce more than 200,000 m.t./yr of biodiesel from rapeseed. The…