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Chementator: A commercial breakthrough for microreactors

Early next year, Nippoh Chemicals Co. (Tokyo; plans to build a 1,000-m.t./yr plant for producing the pharmaceutical precursor trimethyl orthoacetate (1,1,1-trimethoxyethane). The facility will utilize a continuous-flow, microreactor-based process that Nippoh Chemicals developed in cooperation with professor Jun-ichi Yoshida…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: Microbial contamination — see it and believe it

In Anaheim, Calif., last month at the Parenteral Drug Assn.’s annual meeting, Pall Corp. (East Hills, N.Y.; introduced Ascotec to the global market, a faster, more accurate system for detecting microbial contamination in clean-room air systems. When compared to…

Member Exclusive

Microreactors widen their reach for increased capacities

It is now fairly well established that mass- and heat-transfer efficiency, reaction selectivity and yield can be improved using microreactor technology (CE, July 2001, pp. 27–35). But the small channel dimensions (below one square millimeter) that are responsible for the…

Member Exclusive

Metals-‘free’ H3PO4 is now available off the shelf

A new phosphoric acid that contains less than 100 parts per billion of 30 different metal ions is now commercially available from Febex S.A. (Box, Switzerland;, the phosphorous specialties subsidiary of CECA Arkema Group (Paris). The new grade of…

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A new metal nitride

Using a diamond anvil cell to create high (up to 50 GPa) pressures, and a laser to create high (up to 2,000 K) temperatures, researchers from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL; Calif.;, the Carnegie Inst. of Washington, and the…

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Steam Handling

Sodium-ion monitoring can prevent steam-turbine corrosion Studies have shown that sodium is one of the most significant contributors to corrosion within turbines, and that such corrosion leads to cracking, embrittlement and ultimately, turbine failure. The Orion Ionplus 2111LL low-level sodium…

Chementator: Selective flotation

The presence of arsenic minerals, such as enargite and tennantite, in some copper-bearing ore bodies, can be a problem for those wishing to recover the copper. When delivering copper concentrates to smelters in Australia, for example, miners are subjected to…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: A more-direct route to epichlorohydrin makes its commercial debut

Solvay (Brussels, Belgium; is planning to build a new plant for producing epichlorohydrin at its Tavaux, France, site. When the facility starts up in the first half of 2007, it will produce 10,000 m.t./yr of epichlorohydrin using Solvay’s Epicerol…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: A bioprocess to make natural plastic makes its commercial debut

Archer Daniels Midland Co. (Decatur, Ill.; plans to build the world’s first commercial plant to produce PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoates), which are high-performance plastics made from renewable resources, such as corn sugar. The plant, to be located at a major ADM…

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Chementator: Hydrogen power

BP (London; and Edison Mission Group, a subsidiary of Edison International (Rosemead, Calif.;, are planning a $1-billion, hydrogen-fueled power plant — said to be the first-of-a-kind — for generating electricity with minimal emissions of carbon dioxide. Detailed engineering…