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Pilot plant to produce ‘greener’ acrylonitrile at cost parity for carbon fiber

A pilot facility currently under construction in Charleston, W.Va. will produce renewable acrylonitrile (ACN) without requiring the traditional petroleum-based propylene as feedstock. Since ACN is the raw material used to make carbon fibers, the new route to ACN allows the…

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Pilot plant for graphene production uses flash Joule heating

A pilot plant is scheduled to be completed later this year for the production of graphene using a technology known as flash Joule heating (FJH). Developed in the laboratory of James Tour at Rice University (Houston;, FJH involves forcing…

Making ‘green’ methanol from steel-mill gases

A process that produces methanol from the gases generated at a steel mill will soon be field tested. The process has been under development for the last five years by researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy…

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Chementator briefs

Enzymes in a Cage Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT; Germany; have embedded enzymes into metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), and demonstrated for the first time that stabilization by these frameworks is sufficient for use of the enzymes in…

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Phosphine-based ligand now available on the kilogram scale

Sinocompound Catalysts Co., Ltd. (Zhangjiagang, China; says it is now producing the phosphine-based QPhos ligand in kilogram quantities for commercial use. With this ligand now accessible on a large scale, scientists across the globe can incorporate QPhos-based catalysts into…

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A simpler way to recover purified graphite from spent batteries

A new recycling process claims to significantly reduce the complexity of recovering graphite from spent lithium-ion battery (LIB) materials by leaching out impurities rather than leaching out metal. By extracting impurities and recovering high-grade graphite, the Hydro-to-Anode technology, developed by…

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Mixed-salt processes target lower-cost CO2 capture

A mixed-salt process (MSP) designed to reduce the costs and increase the energy efficiency of removing carbon dioxide from post-combustion fluegas is advancing in two related projects. In the first, a 10-MW engineering-scale demonstration plant for the MSP is under…

Recycling polyesters, polycarbonates and more — at room temperature

A new catalytic recycling method that avoids harsh processing conditions could widely expand the recyclability of a broad range of plastics, including polycarbonates, polyesters and mixed-waste feeds. Researchers from the Center for Sustainable and Circular Technologies (CSCT; at the…

A Taste of Foods to Come

Biotechnology plays a key role in sustainably feeding a growing global population How are we going to feed 10 billion people using 35% less land by 2050? This was the question posed by Ian Roberts, chief technology officer at Bühler…

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More Sustainable Cleaning Solutions Increase Efficiency

Processors no longer need to sacrifice efficiency or effectiveness when selecting eco-friendly housekeeping methods Commitment to environmental, social and corporate-governance programs coupled with a pandemic-induced need for more effective sanitizing are forcing chemical, pharmaceutical, food-and-beverage and other processors to reevaluate…