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A biocatalytic process for producing nitriles — without cyanide

Nitrile compounds (R–N≡N) are important for the manufacturing of fragrances, pharmaceuticals, superglue and chemical-resistant gloves. Currently, such nitrile compounds require the use of highly toxic cyanide in their synthesis. Now, an alternative cyanide-free chemo-enzymatic cascade process is being developed by…

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Plant Watch: August 2024

Plant Watch Trelleborg Group to construct new production plant in North Carolina July 16, 2024 — Trelleborg Group AB (Trelleborg, Sweden; is investing in a new production facility to expand its business for engineered coated fabrics in Rutherfordton, N.C.…

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Public-Private Partnerships Spur Decarbonization Efforts

Government programs, such as the Industrial Demonstrations Program (IDP) in the U.S., are helping to advance commercial-scale decarbonization strategies including thermal energy storage, CO2 utilization and electrification As the world continues to grapple with climate change, companies’ strategies for managing…

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Enzyme-treated rock particles are accelerating carbon sequestration

In a first-of-its-kind trial project, a CO2-removal method known as enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is being combined with biotechnology to accelerate atmospheric CO2 sequestration. FabricNano (London, U.K.; and Veolia (Paris, France; have embarked on a partnership wherein enzymes…

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This patented process improves grease handling

Calcium-sulfonate complex greases are widely used in applications in the pulp-and-paper, marine and steel-manufacturing sectors. Within an ever-volatile lithium market, calcium-sulfonate greases are increasingly seen as a reliable alternative to lithium-based greases. However, typical methods for preparing high-performance calcium-sulfonate grease…

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Reducing CO2 to formic acid

A research team led by Kenneth C. Neyerlin at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL; Golden, Colo.;, with members from Argonne National Laboratory (Lemont, Ill; and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Tenn.; has developed a membrane electrode assembly…

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Innovative Membranes Empower Processes

New membranes enable traditional water treatment and emerging energy transition applications While membranes and filters have provided a reliable and cost-effective solution for water desalination, purification and treatment as well as specialty process separations, innovative membrane and filtration technologies are…

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Chementator Briefs

Lime Injection Engineers at the Institute for Technologies of Metals (ITM) at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Duisburg, Germany;, together with Fritz Winter Eisengießerei GmbH & Co. KG (FW; Stadtallendorf; Germany) and the FEhS – Building Materials Institute e.V. (Duisburg)…

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A closed-loop hydrometallurgical process for low-carbon iron processing

Electrification will be a key factor in decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors, but challenges arise in applications that require very high temperatures, such as steel production. The intense heat requirements for converting iron ore into metal contribute significantly to the CO2 emissions…

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A fungus converts cellulose directly into a platform chemical

Conventional bioprocesses use three separate steps to convert cellulose into products, such as bioplastics and biofuels. The consolidated bioprocess (CBP) combines all steps — cellulase production, cellulose hydrolysis and product fermentation — in a single reactor. Using the natural abilities…