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Advancing Industrial Carbon Capture

An expanding array of CO2-capture approaches are quickly developing for hard-to-abate industrial sectors. The key objective is to significantly lower the costs of traditional CO2-capture techniques, which are based on aqueous alkanolamine absorption and desorption Achieving climate mitigation objectives, such…

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Business News: October 2022

Plant Watch Gevo breaks ground on commercial-scale SAF facility in South Dakota September 16, 2022 — Gevo, Inc. (Englewood, Colo.; announced the groundbreaking in South Dakota of its first commercial-scale sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) facility, Net-Zero 1 (NZ1). This…

Member Exclusive

Evonik is scaling up membrane-based lithium recycling

Evonik Industries Ag (Essen, Germany) has announced progress to make the recycling of lithium simpler, more cost-effective, and more environmentally friendly. This metal is essential for the batteries used to drive millions of electric vehicles. At present, however, up to…

This particle sensor exploits quantum effects for real-time process optimization

Last month at Achema 2022 (August 22–26; Frankfurt am Main, Germany), Q.ANT GmbH (Stuttgart, Germany; introduced what is said to be the world’s first industrial-grade quantum sensor (photo) for particle analysis. By the use of super-fast software, electronics and…

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Chementator briefs

Zero-spin Silicon Natural silicon consists of three isotopes: 28Si (92.2%) and 30Si (3.1%) — each with zero electron spin state — and 29Si (4.7%) with a spin state of one half. The presence of 29Si in concentrations above 500 parts…

Member Exclusive

Print the filter shape needed

An adaptable sintered filter element that is manufactured by 3D printing will be introduced this month at the Powtech exhibition (September 27–29; Nuremberg, Germany). Developed by Herding GmbH Filtertechnik (Amberg, Germany;, Omikron is an adaptable sinter-plate filter element that…

Energy costs cut by 50% for high-strength aluminum alloys

Aluminum alloy 7075 has excellent mechanical properties, including high strength for lightweighting applications, but its production process is energy intensive, which raises costs and limits its use. Now, scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL; Richland, Wash.; have developed…

Zero-CO2 ethane cracker technology is available commercially

A next-generation ethane-feed steam cracker designed by Lummus Technology (Houston; has the ability to achieve zero carbon dioxide emissions in the production of ethylene. The zero-CO2 design utilizes Lummus SRT pyrolysis furnaces and a state-of-the-art product-recovery system. Lummus improved…

Member Exclusive

Extracting pressurized hydrogen from ammonia, methane and biogas

Proton ceramic cells that couple endothermic steam reforming with heat from electrochemical gas separation and compression have been scaled up. These cells, developed by CoorsTek Membrane Sciences AS (Oslo;, the University of Oslo (both Norway; and the Institute…

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New Software Capabilities with Digitalization

Latest software combines the best of traditional physics-based and empirical approaches with advanced digitalization technologies Unless you’ve had your head buried deep in the sand, you know that digitalization is having an increasing impact on the chemical process industries (CPI).…