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Advanced Analytics for Process Safety

A look at how advanced analytics facilitates and improves process safety efforts within the chemical process industries (CPI) Simply by the nature of some of the chemicals used and the associated complex processes involved, chemical plants can be hazardous. With…

Member Exclusive

Keeping Valves Corrosion-Free

In all phases of a valve’s lifecycle — from fabrication to decommissioning and storage — corrosion protection is essential Corrosion can be a serious source of valve damage, and it can often result in costly leakage, failures and repairs or…

Specifying Severe-Service Valves for Urea Applications

To withstand the harsh conditions and potential safety risks encountered in urea agricultural applications and other severe-service processes, special consideration must be given to valve construction, performance and installation Severe-service valves (SSVs) are specially designed and manufactured for critical applications…

Member Exclusive

Controlling Air Pollution with Ceramic Catalytic Filters

Catalyst-impregnated ceramic filter elements can achieve simultaneous removal of multiple air-pollutant species in a modular, space-saving layout The three most common pollutants found in the air we breathe are particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx). These…

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Addressing Problems in Filtration Processes

Careful attention to even the smallest details will help to prevent operational problems in filtration processes Filtration operations are widely used to achieve effective solid-liquid separations in the chemical process industries (CPI). Industrial filtration installations can involve a variety of…

Sealing Technology for Caustic Service

This overview compares various sealing technologies, and points out advantages and disadvantages of applying different mechanical-sealing designs for caustic fluids Caustic applications in chemical plants can play havoc on the mechanical seals of rotating equipment. These applications can be difficult…

Like Metals, Polymers Fail — but Differently

This pictorial guide illustrates some of the common problems that can occur with polymeric and elastomeric materials that differ from those that occur with metallic seals and components Failures of polymer (plastic and elastomeric) parts and their consequences can be…

Protecting Steam Systems from Corrosion

Steam and condensate-return systems can be susceptible to unique forms of corrosion. This overview explains how to prevent or minimize such issues Steam is utilized for process heating and other applications at thousands of industrial plants in the chemical process…

Moisture Measurement in Solid Materials

Determining moisture levels in solid materials is important for product quality, handling properties and other considerations. Provided here is an overview of direct and indirect methods for measuring moisture in solids Water is ubiquitous and is unusually reactive because of…

Using Lifecycle Cost Analysis for Best Project Value

Lifecycle cost analysis (LCCA) can be used as a tool for selecting alternatives that add the most value to a project. The methodology for implementing LCCA is described here In the chemical process industries (CPI), identifying optimum process designs challenges…