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Facts At Your Fingertips

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Facts at your Fingertips: Filter Aids

Cake filtration is a common operation across many sectors of the chemical process industries (CPI). In cake filtration, the solid being filtered acts as a screen so that particles of the suspension are retained by the medium, resulting in the…

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Facts at your Fingertips: Air Separation Processes

The components of air (Table 1), especially nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2), are critical for many modern industrial processes. Primary metals production, chemical manufacturing, gasification processes, clay, glass and concrete production, welding and other processes depend on O2 from air,…

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Facts at your Fingertips: Heat-Transfer Fluid Selection

Heat-transfer fluid selection can be intimidating when considering the long-term impact on costs and operability. The right fluid will provide optimal performance and lifecycle costs, while freeing engineers for other assignments. Most engineers do not routinely consider fluid selection, so…

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Facts at your Fingertips: Batch versus Continuous Blending

Blending is a fundamental chemical unit operation, and there are a handful of common ways to implement it. Blending applications can be either manual or automated, and can be carried out either as a batch or continuous process. There are…

Facts at Your Fingertips: Zeolites

The physical properties of zeolites make them extremely important in many industrial processes. This one-page reference provides information on the structure and chemistry of zeolites that allows their use in the chemical process industries (CPI). Zeolite structure Zeolites are a…

Facts at your Fingertips: Alarm Management

Modern control systems for chemical processes can generate frequent alarms. This one-page reference provides information on common alarm-management metrics, which can foster focused remedial actions and ultimately lead to a safer, better-performing plant. Alarm frequency As alarm frequency increases, an…

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Facts at Your Fingertips: Pressure-Based Level Measurement

Liquid-level measurement in storage tanks or other vessels is important for avoiding spillage and process upsets. One class of technologies for liquid-level measurement involves measuring the pressure exerted on a gage by the weight of the liquid, and this one-page…

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Facts at Your Fingertips: Gas Detection

Detection of gases is a critical task in many chemical process industries (CPI) facilities to avoid hazards to personnel and to the environment. Gases may present risks of explosion, flammability, toxicity, environmental pollution and displacement of breathable air. This one-page…

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Facts at your Fingertips: Fermentation

For intermediate and specialty chemicals, the incorporation of biotechnology-based processes has become a viable option for the chemical process industries (CPI). This one-page reference discusses some of the benefits and challenges of fermentation-based processes. Fermentation advantages Among the potential advantages…

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Facts at your Fingertips: Steam Concepts

Steam is commonly used in the chemical process industries (CPI) for process heating, power generation, atomization, cleaning and sterilization, moisturization and humidification, among other applications. This one-page reference provides a refresher for key concepts related to steam. Pressure-temperature relation The…