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Facts At Your Fingertips

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Facts at your Fingertips: Centrifuge Separation Capacity

This one-page reference describes how to measure the capability of a given centrifuge to separate solids from a liquid phase. G-force The centrifugal force developed by a centrifuge is expressed as a multiple of the force of gravity. This force,…

Facts at your Fingertips: Removal of Particulate Matter from Industrial Processes

Controlling and reducing particulate matter pollution from industrial operations is a key environmental and human health objective. In chemical process industries (CPI) facilities, airborne particulate matter can result from combustion of fuels, or from process operations, such as dust from…

Facts at your Fingertips: Agglomeration Processes

Agglomeration converts fine powder particles into larger ones by introducing external forces. Major benefits for solids processors include dust reduction, easier handling, more complete utilization of raw materials and densification. Agglomerating particles happens by a variety of means, including mixing…

Facts at your Fingertips: Pneumatic Conveying Challenges

Among the key benefits offered by pneumatically conveying bulk solids is the ability to route materials around obstructions in the plant using bends in the pipeline. However, these changes in direction involve a considerable number of particle impacts on the…

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Facts at your Fingertips: Safety Instrumented Systems and Risk

Within the chemical process industries (CPI), the need to design safety systems to prevent process failures from occurring, or to control them when they do, is well recognized, as is the importance of having confidence in the safety systems that…

Facts at your Fingertips: Solids Friction in Bins and Hoppers

To avoid problems with solids flow in bins and hoppers, the friction between the equipment walls and the flowing solids is an important factor to understand. Provided here is a review of flow patterns in bins and hoppers, and practical…

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Facts at your Fingertips: Selecting Heat-Transfer Fluid Supplier

Lean workforces are the norm in current plant environments. In the context of heat exchange systems, the current situation amplifies the need to select a heat-transfer fluid supplier with the expertise and technical resources to handle non-routine circumstances. This one-page…

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Facts At Your Fingertips: Surface-Mediated Heterogeneous Catalysis

Heterogeneous catalysis in industrial processes involves a complicated set of physical and chemical phenomena that help lead to products. This one-page reference provides information about the formation of products in an industrial process using solid catalyst materials.   Catalyst materials…

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Facts at Your Fingertips: Fermentation Considerations and Economics

Producing chemicals and fuels by fermentation of renewable feedstocks can offer improved sustainability, lower costs and greater safety compared to conventional thermal processes. But realizing these benefits depends on a careful assessment of the process economics, and an understanding of…

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Facts at your Fingertips: Low-Temperature Handling

Processes involving extremely low temperatures present unique process design and safety challenges. This one-page reference outlines considerations for low-temperature operations. Direct contact Extremely low temperatures can rapidly freeze human tissue. Contact between a worker’s bare skin and a low-temperature vapor,…