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Detection and Prevention of DP:DPO Fluid Leaks

The management of process plants requires understanding and applying the fundamental tenets of safe design, construction and operation of facilities. This overview summarizes best practices that have been developed to ensure the safest possible use of DP:DPO (diphenyl–diphenyl oxide) eutectic…

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Solids Conveying

Dry, granular solids can be conveyed in a number of ways. Two common devices for transporting granular solids are the angular-pitch vibrating conveyor and the horizontal differential-motion conveyor. The variability in the design and performance between the two types stems…

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Control Valve Performance

Minimizing process variability is an important component of a plant’s profitability. The performance of control valves within process control loops has a significant impact on maintaining consistent processes. This refresher outlines some of the important aspects of control-valve performance, including…

Gas Hazard Definitions and Data

The detection of gases in plant environments has a critical and wide-ranging role in the chemical process industries (CPI). Among the major applications of gas detection are limiting personnel exposure to hazardous chemicals, preventing explosive atmospheres, protecting the environment and…

Thermowell Installation

Temperature is among the most critical measurements in the chemical process industries (CPI) for operating safe and efficient processes. Because even a small error in temperature can lead to expensive consequences, accurate and reliable monitoring of temperature is required. Thermowells…

Steam-System Water Preparation

Supplying steam that meets process needs while protecting steam-system components, such as boilers and steam turbines (Figure 1), against scale, fouling and corrosion, requires purified feedwater (condensate plus makeup water). Depending on the steam pressure required, the specific approach of…

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Non-chemical Water Treatment

Non-chemical water treatment methods generally utilize electricity to prevent scale formation, mitigate corrosion and control microbial growth. When properly applied, non-chemical water-treatment technologies help plants reduce chemical consumption, minimize waste and possibly save water and energy. The following descriptions outline…

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Wet Scrubbers

Wet fluegas desulfurization (FGD), also known as wet-scrubbing, is a popular pollution-abatement technique for removing acid gases, such as SO2 and HCl from fluegas produced during coal-fired power generation and industrial combustion processes. Wet scrubbing is used in association with…

Particle-size reduction

For most solids-processing operations in the chemical process industries (CPI), particle-size reduction and screening (classification) to achieve the desired particle-size are required, since processes rarely produce the desired size directly. When designing processes, selecting equipment and looking for ways to…

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Fans and Blowers

Fans and blowers are common in air-handling and movement systems used in the chemical process industries (CPI). Two major uses of fans and blowers are in pneumatic conveying systems and in ventilation and air-pollution-control systems. Powering fans and blowers can…