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LyondellBasell announces HDPE technology license in Dalian

| By Mary Bailey

LyondellBasell (Rotterdam, the Netherlands; announced that Hengli Petrochemical (Dalian) Chemical Co., Ltd. has selected LyondellBasell Hostalen ACP polyethylene process technology. The technology will be used for a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) unit to be built in the Hengli Petrochemical Industrial Park (HPIP) on Changxing Island in Dalian, Liaoning Province, China. The new plant’s capacity will be 400,000 metric tons per year (m.t/yr).

Hostalen ACP process technology allows our customers to produce high-performance multimodal HDPE products exhibiting a combination of properties not achievable with unimodal or bimodal grades” said Dan Coombs, Executive Vice President Global Manufacturing, Refining, Projects and Technology at LyondellBasell. “Based upon our heritage of licensing and technology leadership, LyondellBasell is uniquely positioned to deliver to our customer’s world class manufacturing processes to meet market needs”