Lummus Technology (Houston) announced it has been awarded a contract from the Gazpromneft Moscow Refinery for two fired heaters. The heaters will be installed at the refinery in Moscow, and are part of the plant’s modernization to improve operational efficiency and environmental performance.
“This award is a great example of how Lummus supports its customers across their capital investment and operational cycles,” said Leon de Bruyn, President and Chief Executive Officer of Lummus Technology. “We are building on CLG’s delayed coking technology with our advanced heater technology and supporting our partner in reliable operations to optimize light product yields, while delivering high run-length and energy efficiency at the Moscow Refinery.”
Lummus’ scope includes the design and supply of two fired heaters, adding to the delayed coking technology that CLG, a joint venture between Chevron and Lummus, provided in 2018.
Lummus’ delayed coking heaters can handle a wide range of feedstocks in refineries and upgrades for both fuel and specialty coke production. Current heater designs work in cooperation with CLG’s delayed coking technology and incorporate multiple cabins with single coils to deliver superior individual firing, precise temperature control and stringent air quality standards.