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Linde adds business unit focused on North American petrochemical projects

| By Mary Page Bailey

Technology company The Linde Group The Linde Group (Pullach, Germany; has added a petrochemical plant business unit to its Engineering Division offices in Houston. The new regional business unit broadens Linde Engineering’s capabilities in North America and will serve petrochemical customers on a wide range of projects, from consulting and technical support, revamp and expansion studies to engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) execution of mid-size projects. In addition, the new unit plays a role in the project execution of mega-projects, such as the large-scale ethylene plant for ExxonMobil at the renowned Baytown complex. The go-ahead for the Linde-Bechtel consortium to build this plant was announced in May. Also, the recently announced Enterprise Framework Agreement with Shell Global Solutions International B.V. will be supported from the Houston office.