Level switches for packed powder applications
The GJ level switch (photo) can operate as high or low point level indicators for bulk solids that tend to pack or bridge easily. The GJ Detector operates successfully with consistent results on chemical powders, minerals and many other granulated materials. These level switches measure dry bulk solids ranging from less than 15.0 to greater than 60 lb/ft 3. The level detectors are factory calibrated and do not require any field calibration before installation. There are no moving parts and no gaskets or seals to deteriorate, providing superior performance in dusty environments. The GJ level detector relies on mechanical oscillations to determine if the probe is covered or uncovered. When combined with the EC-501A Control Unit, signals from the detector operates a single-pole double-throw relay within the control unit and users can actuate process control equipment, level alarms or indicator lights. — Automation Products, Inc. — Dynatrol Div., Houston