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Lanxess to add second production line for automotive plastics in Gastonia, N.C.

| By Mary Page Bailey

Lanxess AG (Cologne, Germany; is expanding its Gastonia, N.C., compounding facility for high-tech plastics by adding a second production line. The expansion represents an investment volume of about $15 million and will double the existing capacity from 20,000 to 40,000 metric tons per year (m.t./yr). Construction for the second line is expected to commence in the second half of 2014 with production scheduled to begin in early 2016.
The Lanxess Gastonia facility produces the high-tech plastics Durethan (polyamide) and Pocan (polybutylene terephthalate), which allow automotive engineers to design lighter-weight plastic components to replace metal parts in cars, contributing to fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.