‘Symphony of Collaboration’ to tackle plastics waste challenge

Responding to consumer-led concern around plastic waste, this company’s “Symphony of Collaboration” recognizes that regulators, industry and society have a responsibility to work more closely to drive design for, and innovation in, the reduction, reuse and recycling of plastics. At K 2019, the company will present its collaborative sustainability projects and the products behind them, supporting the development of solutions that will be adopted in the market. This includes the launch of a major new company-wide initiative specifically focused on plastics recycling. For example, with a partner for near infrared (NIR) scanners, the company developed new colorants for the black coloration of plastics that can be identified by NIR sorting devices. This new range of black colorants can be used for various polymers (polyolefins, PET, PA) and applications such as packaging and E&E (electrical and electronic end-users). This offers brand owners and masterbatch producers new opportunities. Hall 8a, Stand J11 — Clariant, Muttenz, Switzerland