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September 2024

Cover Story


Dorothy Lozowski

Utilizing carbon dioxide

Reducing carbon dioxide emissions has taken center stage in efforts to reduce concentrations of greenhouse…

In The News


Taking Control of Chemical Dusts

Equipment innovations and monitoring solutions help chemical processors create more effective dust collection systems Uncontrolled…


Chemical Engineering

Chementator Briefs

Methane pyrolysis catalyst Catalytic methane pyrolysis (CMP) is an attractive route to producing hydrogen, because…

Technical & Practical

Operations & Maintenance

Sliding Vane Pumps

Sliding vane pumps offer a potent processing option for low-viscosity liquids Multiple industries rely on…

Equipment & Services


Focus on Software

Software streamlines pharmaceutical development DeltaV Workflow Management (photo) is a next-generation software designed for life…

Focus on Water Treatment

A novel spacer technology for RO membrane elements This company’s reverse-osmosis (RO) elements (photo) use…

New Products
