Overcoming Corrosive Processes with High-Alloyed Stainless Steels Advanced high-alloyed stainless steels with austenitic properties can address corrosion concerns in challenging phosphoric and…
What's Corroding Your Control Room? Corrosion-induced failures are frequent in the electronics products used in control rooms, but proper environmental…
Newsfronts 3-D Printing for Finished Products Moving 3-D printing beyond prototyping toward production of finished parts has driven innovation and spurred…
Smart Flow Monitoring for Better Process Control Tighter control, increased safety and versatility result from improved flow-measurement technology Flow monitoring and control…
Chementator Briefs HVAC cooling tower A newly introduced cooling tower for building heating, ventilation and air conditioning…
Australians move to supply vanadium for redox flow batteries Two Australian companies — Australian Vanadium Ltd. (AVL; www.australianvanadium.com.au) and TNG Ltd. (both Perth; www.tngltd.com.au)…
Japanese consortium synthesize bifunctional oxygen-reaction catalysts Researchers from the group of professor Ikuya Yamada at Osaka Prefecture University (Osaka, Japan; www.osakafu-u.ac.jp),…
An inexpensive adsorbant for removing silver from wastewater The release of silver from industrial wastewater has caused serious environmental problems. Many methods have…
A process for making longer carbon nanotubes A new commercial manufacturing process for carbon nanotubes (CNTs) produces tubes in the range of…
On-site carbon monoxide generation takes the next step Gas Innovations (La Porte, Tex.; www.gasinnovations.com) has signed a 15-year, pay-per-use agreement with Haldor Topsøe…
Paint a thermoelectric device onto any shaped surface to recover waste heat Scientists from Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST; Ulsan, South Korea; www.unist.ac.kr), led…
Laminate packaging that is easier to recycle A collaboration between ExxonMobil Chemical Co. (EMCC; Spring, Tex.; www.exxonmobilchemical.com) and Thanh Phu Plastic Packaging…
This process converts organic food waste to liquid fertilizer Large supermarkets routinely waste 500 lb of food daily from past-due produce, deli and meat…
A very fast way to continuously synthesize zeolites For a long time, it has been believed that the crystallization of zeolites is, by…
Business News Business News - January 2017 Plant Watch Linde starts up CO 2 plant in Fort Worth December 12, 2016 —…
Feature Report High Purity Chemicals: Processing Equipment Essentials Some practical tips regarding the design and fabrication of piping systems and equipment for high-purity…
Facts at Your Fingertips Facts at your Fingertips: Solids-blending processes Mixing and blending of bulk solids is common in pharmaceutical and food manufacturing, specialty chemicals,…
Technology Profile Technology Profile: Ethylene Glycol Production from Synthesis Gas This column is based on “Ethylene glycol production from Syngas - Cost Analysis,” a report…
Engineering Practice The CPI Construction Boom: Project Delivery in a New Landscape Companies need more creative ways to deal with complex and ever-changing market and technical challenges…
Eye on Flare Systems Proper gas sampling is essential to meet operating and regulatory objectives Flares are used extensively…
Focus Pumps This sump pump ensures unrestricted flow The Series 900 Industrial Vertical Immersion Vortex Sump Pump…
Comprehensive protection for laboratory workers Westex ShieldCXP is a protective fabric (photo) that defends the wearer against hazards from both…
This smart gearbox detects fugitive emissions This company is developing a smart gearbox designed with an extra function for leak detection.…
Microscope for automatic filter-patch analysis as per ISO 4407 At Hanover Fair 2017, this company will introduce an optical microscope image-analyzing system designed to…
Hygienic ball valves constructed from stainless steel This company now offers its simple and robust hygienic ball valves with stainless-steel construction (photo),…
Compact combustion monitor based on TDL technology The LaserGas III CO combustion analyzer (photo) is an Ex-d certified tunable-diode-laser (TDL) carbon monoxide…
Configuration software matches gearbox and motors Partnering with Marathon Motors, Hub City and PARTSolutions, this company has created product-configuration software that…
A smart HMI system for nonhazardous areas The VisuNet GXP human machine interface (HMI) represents the new generation of intelligent “thin client”…
This data-acquisition system is updated for EtherNet/IP The Memograph M RSG45 Data Manager (photo), a data-acquisition system for small process-control applications, now…
A new tablet PC for use in hazardous areas Agile X IS (photo) is a 10.1-in. tablet PC system that is certified to ATEX…
Air stripping for water decontamination The E-Z Tray air stripper (photo) is a sliding-tray, stainless-steel air stripper used for removing…
This motor portfolio includes new series up to 70 MW With its new high-voltage motor series Simotics HV HP (photo), this company is now able…
Simplify instrumentation management in any location The Field Information Manager 1.1 Handheld Edition software enables users to do configuration, parametrization and…
This app streamlines commissioning and startup The eStart mobile app (photo) is used during project commissioning and startup to digitally gather…