Li-S Battery Storage Anesco Ltd. (Reading, U.K.; and OXIS Energy (Abingdon, U.K.; have…
Last month, Johnson Matthey Process Technologies (JMPT; London, U.K.; and Rennovia Inc. (Santa Clara,…
It has been known for a long time that sulfonated active-carbon acid can catalyze both…
Micropollutants, such as antibiotics and flame retardants, can pose a health threat to animals and…
Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder (Boulder, Colo.; have developed a technology that…
Japanese companies INPEX Corp. (Tokyo,, Chiyoda Corp. (Yokohama;, and Metawater Co., Ltd. (Tokyo,…
During casting of aluminum alloys, degassing is required to remove hydrogen from the molten metal…
A new technology for treating cooling tower water is designed to control scale formation and…
Currently, the active components of most pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals are synthesized by multiple batch…