A sensor that detects volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at levels of 10–100 parts per million…
For the first time, researchers from Riken (Saitama, Japan; www.riken.go.jp) have synthesized stable crystals (photo)…
A new process for removing oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from industrial foul-air and cool combustion…
A variety of performance problems can arise in distillation towers during startup. Many are caused…
After eight years of R&D work, Inflotek B.V. (Beringe, The Netherlands; www.) is now commercializing…
India holds large reserves of low-grade sulfide copper ore containing 0.3 wt.% copper, which cannot…
Electrochemical and chemical-precipitation technology from New Sky Energy (Boulder, Colo.; www.newskyenergy.com) allows the conversion of…
Metals recovery Dinnissen Process Technology B.V. (Sevenum, The Netherlands; www.dinnissen.nl) has developed a purpose-built system…
At Achema 2012 (June 18–22; Frankfurt am Main, Germany), Union Engineering A/S (Fredericia, Denmark; www.union.dk)…
The research groups of Masahiro Miyauchi at Tokyo Institute of Technology (www.eim.ceram.titech.ac.jp) and Kazuhiko Hashimoto…
A partnership between Australian research agency CSIRO (Melbourne, Australia; www.csiro.au) and Lonza Group Ltd. (Basel,…
Proterro Inc. (Princeton, N.J.; www. proterro.com) has demonstrated technology for directly producing sucrose as a…