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Interphex 2017 Show Preview

| By Chemical Engineering

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A syringe filler with statistical batch control

Marchesini Group

Marchesini Group

The Extrafill syringe filler (photo) is a compact machine designed to accommodate two to five filling and stoppering stations to produce up to 12,000 pieces per hour. Batching precision is guaranteed by systems that center the syringes and completely protect them during the filling phase to avoid contamination and to ensure a sterile process. Extrafill is equipped with rotating piston pumps and a statistical batch-control weighing system. The Extrafill’s robotic arm peels off the Tyvek protective film and pushes the tub of syringes onto a loading belt to continue toward the filling and stoppering stations. All the production phases are integrated into a single unit designed to combine the two-tub opening and syringe filling/stoppering operations under just one isolator. Booth 3125 — Marchesini Group S.p.A., Pianoro, Italy


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