Groundbreaking ceremony for new ASA plant on the U.S. Gulf Coast
INEOS Styrolution (Frankfurt, Germany; www.ineos-styrolution.com) hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for its new ASA (acrylonitrile styrene acrylate) plant in Bayport, Texas. The development of the new site is part of a bigger expansion plan for the Americas, which includes increased ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) capacity at the Altamira site in Mexico, while transition the ASA production to the new site in Bayport.
The location of the new site was selected based upon its easy access to raw materials, being adjacent to the INEOS Styrolution’s styrene monomer plant, low cost utilities and proximity to major customer markets. The new site, which is designed for a production capacity of 100,000 metric tons per year (m.t./yr), is expected to be operational by 2021.
The groundbreaking ceremony was hosted by Greg Musler, INEOS Styrolution Project Director. Attendees included local government and business leaders, engineering and construction representatives, and several project vendors.
Speakers at the event included Kevin McQuade, CEO INEOS Styrolution. He emphasized the company’s ambitious plans for growth and INEOS Styrolution’s projects aiming at a circular economy for styrenics.
Alexander Glueck, President Americas at INEOS Styrolution, added: “I am excited to see us building the most efficient dedicated ASA plant in the world, here in Bayport. ASA is a versatile high performance styrenic resin. Its properties make it the material of choice for numerous outdoor applications. ASA performs greatly in exterior automotive and construction applications.”
Cathy Culpepper, Vice President Manufacturing Americas, summarized her presentation on manufacturing and project excellence at Styrolution in one sentence: “Operating in a safe, environmentally and socially responsible manner is part of INEOS Styrolution’s mission.”