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IChemE appoints new CEO

| By Mary Bailey

The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE; Rugby, U.K.; has confirmed the appointment of Jon Prichard as its new Chief Executive Officer. Jon succeeds David Brown, who stepped down in July.

Jon currently leads the regulatory body for the engineering professions in the UK, the Engineering Council. He is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of both the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Institution of Royal Engineers. 

In 2001, after 20 years in the British Army, Jon joined the staff of the Institution of Civil Engineers.  He served initially as membership director and then as technical director.  In 2007, he joined the construction consultancy High-Point Rendel as Resources Director. In August 2010, Jon took over as CEO of the Engineering Council. 

Over the last six years, he has successfully overseen the advancement of professional standards in the UK and the development of individual guidance in risk, security, and whistle blowing; whilst also ensuring that the reputation of registered engineers and technicians has been enhanced and maintained. 

IChemE President, Professor Jonathan Seville said:

“With his extensive background in engineering and in the management of professional engineering institutions, Jon was seen as the ideal candidate to lead IChemE and deliver our ambition to become the global organisation of choice for chemical and process engineers.”

Jon Prichard said:

“IChemE’s centenary is fast approaching. I am delighted to be joining the organisation at this exciting point in time. Chemical Engineers play a vital role in many industry sectors around the world and IChemE membership is a powerful signal of trustworthy professionalism.

I am looking forward to working with IChemE’s international staff team and its 44,000 members to develop organisational capacity and create a committed and empowered community of professional chemical engineers.”

Jon is currently working a period of notice with the Engineering Council.  His start date will be confirmed shortly.