The Series 1600 horizontal vortex sump pump (photo) features a fully recessed vortex impeller design that provides an unrestricted flow, since the impeller is not normally in contact with the solids being pumped. Industrial process applications include slurries, fragile food processing, pulpy solids, oils, pollution control and wastewater treatment. The pumps can handle solids up to 4-in. in diameter. The Series 1600 is designed for severe services with heads to 170 ft, temperatures to 250°F with flows to 1,600 gal/min. Construction options include cast iron, 316 stainless-steel fitted, all 316 stainless-steel, Alloy 20 and CD4MC. Two models are available: Model 1620 has a 0.875-in. shaft diameter with a 1.25-in. sleeve, while Model 1626 has a 1.25-in. shaft diameter with a 1.625-in. diameter sleeve. All impellers have wiping vanes that reduce axial loading and prevent dirt from entering the sealing area. The impeller is keyed to the shaft, and an impeller locking screw assures positive attachment. The vortex-type concentric design casing has extra heavy wall thickness for corrosion allowance. — Vertiflo Pump Co., Cincinnati, Ohio