Honeywell announced Türkiye Petrol Rafinerileri A.Ş. is improving the performance of its existing Honeywell UOP enhanced two-stage Unicracking process with the addition of an external heavy polynuclear aromatics (HPNA) stripper at its Izmit refinery. The HPNA stripper will enable Tüpraş to maximize conversion in the unit, increasing unit profitability through an increase in the yields of distillates and the flexibility to process heavier feedstocks.
Honeywell UOP will install an external heavy polynuclear aromatics (HPNA) stripper at the Izmit refinery (Source: Honeywell UOP)
UOP provided the basic engineering, catalysts and technical services for the project. UOP has more than 30 years’ experience in HPNA management and has commercially proven solutions for new units and existing units enabling customers to achieve near 100% conversion throughout the entire catalyst cycle life. The innovative HPNA side stripper technology applied at the Izmit refinery allows Tupras to carry out pioneering projects throughout its refinery sites and advance its production processes.
“UOP HPNA management solutions improve unit performance and profitability via increased conversion to high value products through enhanced catalyst performance due to slower catalyst deactivation,” said Bryan Glover, vice president and general manager, UOP’s Process Technologies business. “The external HPNA stripper increases the unit’s conversion efficiency by mechanically removing HPNAs that cause deactivation of the catalyst, and lets customers use heavier feedstocks.”
The Unicracking unit at Tüpraş is integrated with other UOP process technologies, including coker naphtha and distillate Unionfining units. The system, whose feedstocks include straight run diesel, coker gas oil and vacuum gas oils, was designed with a common fractionation section, reducing capital costs and improving Tüpraş’ return on investment
Tüpraş is the first producer in Turkey’s refining sector and the largest industrial enterprise of the country, operating four oil refineries with a total of 30 million tons annual crude oil processing capacity.