Ultraviolet (UV) treatment specialist Hanovia (Slough, U.K.; www.hanovia.com) and the industrial division of its U.S. sister company Aquionics (Erlanger, Ky.; www.aquionics.com) have launched a new UV Application Center in Shanghai, China. Aquionics provides industrial UV technology to the Americas region, with Hanovia focusing on the rest of the world. Serving as an R&D center of excellence for research into the science of UV for new and emerging applications worldwide, the center will directly support existing and future requirements in Aquionics’ traditional markets for food & beverage, pharmaceutical and high purity water.
Working in collaboration with leading universities from around the world, such as Imperial College in the U.K. and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany, as well as some of the leading global brands in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage industry, the center is already enhancing our understanding of UV efficiency in the control and destruction of inorganic compounds.
“The center is completely customer-driven and is set up with a very clear mission: to develop UV application science that our customers actually need and to answer those searching questions that only empirical test work can answer,” comments Hanovia’s technical director Dr. Mark Aston. “This means working as a partner with our customers to push the boundaries of UV science and align our product range with their existing and future needs. This will directly help them achieve their primary goal of meeting all necessary quality standards with ever increasing efficiency and security.”
The center’s principal engineer, Dr Elaine Feng, added: “Why speculate about UV performance for a new application when a series of targeted experiments will bring certainty to UV performance and efficiency? We believe our investment in the science will allow our customers to enjoy scientific rigor in their process development, gaining the peace of mind that comes with the hands on experience of moving from bench top to pilot to full scale”.