The LWY-SC-RF Loss-In-Weight (LIW) Rotary Feeder (photo) is designed to handle extremely free-flowing and fluidizable materials. Ideally suited for applications discharging into pneumatic conveying systems, the feeder system is available in a range of sizes and can be configured for either continuous LIW feeding or batch. Weighing is done through a patented low-deflection, non-wearing FMSS (Force Measurement Suspension System) flexure scale, which measures vertical loading and can take high-load directed overloads (1,000%). The FMSS Scale design uses counterweights to negate the tare weight of the support structure, feeder and bin, allowing 100% of the scale capacity to be used to weigh material. — Thayer Scale, Pembroke, Mass.
Handle fluidizable materials with this rotary feeder
| By Chemical Engineering