Brüel & Kjær Vibro
The DT-12x Series of transmitters (photo) are loop-powered displacement transmitters that monitor displacement and vibration for a wide range of industrial machines. Devices in the DT-12x Series are fully integrated transmitters, which means the driver (oscillator) and signal-conditioning electronics (vibration monitor) are built directly into the sensor. This greatly simplifies installation by eliminating the need and space requirements for a driver, vibration monitor and eventually a protective housing. Due to this design, the transmitter can be directly connected to a DCS or PLC using its standardized 4–20-mA output. The transmitter is loop-powered, so its 4–20-mA signal is not affected by long wiring distances, voltage drops or noise. This greatly simplifies installation even more when connecting to a DCS or PLC, since only two wires have to be connected in the current loop. — Brüel & Kjær Vibro GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany