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Foster Wheeler awarded contract for ExxonMobil’s Antwerp refinery upgrade

| By Mary Page Bailey

Foster Wheeler AG (Zug, Switzerland; has announced that a subsidiary of its Global Engineering and Construction Group has been awarded an engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contract by ExxonMobil Petroleum & Chemical BVBA (“Esso”) for the Antwerp Northwest Europe Resid. Upgrade Project – Revamp and Offsites facilities at the Esso Antwerp Refinery at Antwerp, Belgium. Foster Wheeler’s contract value was not disclosed. A small initial release of work was included in the company’s first-quarter 2014 bookings. The full release of work was included in the company’s second-quarter 2014 bookings. Foster Wheeler’s scope of work is expected to be completed in December 2016.
“After the successful completion by Foster Wheeler of the front-end engineering design for this project and for the new delayed coking unit that will be built at the same facility, we are very pleased to have won this significant EPC contract for this challenging project,” said Roberto Penno, Chief Executive Officer, Foster Wheeler Global Engineering & Construction Group. “We look forward to providing ExxonMobil with our best experience and expertise, and adding another safe and successful project to our long track record with ExxonMobil.”