MBA Electric Steam Generators (photo) are ideal for small-scale applications that require high-quality steam. These generators can be used for standby operations in off-seasons, or when a larger boiler is shut down or unavailable. The automatic electronic liquid-level controller meets all UL and ASME requirements. A main waterline pressure 10 psig greater than the operating pressure of the steam generator is required for automatic water feeding. The MBA Series generators provide a safe, easy-to-use heat source free of onsite products of combustion. Easy and quick to install, they require only a water feed connection and electrical hook-up. Applications include: laboratory use, steam for small tanks, reactions and distillations, autoclaves, food products, jacketed vessels for processing waxes, paraffins, glues, resins and varnishes and woodbending. — Sussman Electric Boilers, Long Island City, N.Y.