This firm has added new performance features and interfaces to its Combics Ex weight indicator (photo, p. 29) for Zone 1 and Zone 21 hazardous areas. The indicator is designed to be connected with high-resolution digital platforms and memory-programmable controllers. The core of the new options for the intrinsically safe Combics Ex indicator is the power supply with highly flexible configuration — the YPSC power communication system. Barcodes are often used in potentially explosive environments to record material and logistics data. Also new is a barcode reader connection that consists of a base station that can be operated via radio control with up to six barcode scanners. Additionally, the WLAN Ex Client provides mobile balance solutions in hazardous areas, with the mobile explosives balance being integrated into a WLAN network via access points. — Sartorius AG, Göettingen, Germany
For explosive areas, this weight indicator is flexible and mobile
| By Chemical Engineering