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Focus on software for chemical process applications

| By Chemical Engineering

Software improves pattern recognition, trend analysis



TrendMiner 2.0 is the latest version of this company’s predictive-analytics software (photo), which is designed to improve collaboration for achieving better process-performance optimization. Its high-performance analytics engine for process-data capture in time series helps process engineers and operators easily identify trends in their processes to optimize both efficiency and quality. With improved “self-service” analytics capabilities, and using multivariate pattern recognition, the software allows users to question the data directly without requiring help from a data scientist, says the company. It also provides improved self-service monitoring. For instance, users can easily define a “golden batch” and fingerprint it, then set up multivariate alarms with predefined boundaries. The software monitors these fingerprints and sends notifications to the engineering and control room staff in the event of deviation or issues. — TrendMiner, Houston