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Focus on software for chemical process applications

| By Chemical Engineering

Improve simulation with this mathematical solver

Comsol Multiphysics and Comsol Server software, Version 5.3, is a mathematical tool that benefits simulation specialists with faster modelling capabilities, development tools and solvers. Its many user-driven features are said to improve app development and enable shorter solution time, thereby increasing research and development throughput across many industries. In many cases, users will experience a speedup of ten times or more in software responsiveness, such as in pre-processing tasks for handling models with several thousand boundaries and domains, says the company. For instance, Version 5.3 provides the boundary element method (BEM), which can improve the modeling of electrostatics and corrosion effects. Users handling large CFD models also benefit from the new algebraic multigrid (AMG) solver, which requires only a single mesh level and is now the default option for many fluid-flow and transport-phenomena interfaces. — Comsol, Burlington, Mass.