These seals avoid damage by ‘explosive decompression’

Firma C. Otto Gehrckens (COG)
Elastomer seals are used to create a barrier to prevent the escape of gaseous media from valves, pipes, fittings or pig traps. When the pressure of highly pressurized gases falls to a very low level within a short period of time, the seal can become damaged by a process caused explosive decompression (creating tearing or blistering of the surface; photo, p. 20). This company has developed seven advanced compounds that provide superior resistance against explosive decompression. All of these new compounds fulfill the NORSOK Standard M-710 requirements, and several fulfill the API 6A and 6D standard and the TM 0297 and TM 0187 from the National Assn. of Corrosion Engineers. — Firma C. Otto Gehrckens (COG) GmbH & Co. KG, Pinneberg, Germany