These pipe and tube couplings are self-aligning

Tuf-Lok International
The Tuf-Lok ring-grip pipe couplings (photo) are heavy-duty, self-aligning couplings that are suitable for either high-pressure (to 150 psig) or full vacuum-rated applications. These couplings install quickly and easily, reducing installation costs. They are available in 2-in. dia. (50-mm) through 10-in. dia. (250-mm) pipe sizes. They are made for use on plain-end pipes, regardless of pipe wall thickness. No machining or grooving is required to maintain pipe integrity. They are designed to be self-grounding, vibration-resistant and leak-proof. Numerous gasket materials are available to help operators meet desired design conditions for food-grade, higher-temperature and special chemical-resistant applications. They install easily, making them ideal for situations that require frequent assembly and dissambly, says the company. — Tuf-Lok International, Madison, Wis.