Müller GmbH
Single-use split butterfly valve provides reliable containment
This company has introduced an automatable, single-use variant of its well-established stainless-steel Müller Containment Valve (MCV). The single-use version, called the MSV-LW (photo) for its lightweight construction. It is manufactured from a performance polymer to reduce cost and weight. The levers for locking the valve and actuating it can easily be changed over from those used for manual operation and those for pneumatic actuation. The pneumatic actuators can be controlled via a programmable logic controller (PLC). The single-use valve is designed for GMP-compliant manufacturing where powders and granular materials are processed, reducing the risk of cross-contamination. Its modular design concept enables pneumatic actuators, position sensors and even lifting devices for automated docking and undocking to be integrated. — Müller GmbH, Rheinfelden, Germany