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Focus on Valves

| By Chemical Engineering

Spirax Sarco

Spirax Sarco

These versatile, modular valves enable quick installation

More than 2,500 configurations are available in the the Spira-trol Control Valve family (photo). These modular valves are pre-commissioned in the manufacturer’s U.S. factory, and are shipped within two to three days of the order, allowing for immediate “plug-and-play” installation, says the company. The modular design, with a quick-change, self-aligning “clamp-in-place” seat, allows the valve’s duty to be altered to match changing plant conditions (rather than requiring a replacement valve). The valves offer simplified maintenance, as no special tools are required. Many conventional valve designs have screw-in seats that can seize in place, requiring shutdown for valve removal. Electrically and pneumatically actuated designs are available. The product range extends up to 8 in. and ANSI 600 pressure envelope.— Spirax Sarco USA, Blythewood, S.C.