Keep DCS systems informed about manual valve positions
Distributed control systems (DCS) need to know if valves are open or closed, and this becomes more challenging when dealing with manually operated valves. When the SPI Smart Position Indicator (photo) is installed, the control center is able to monitor any of the valves in the facility, to ensure more accurate process control The SPI has a large dial display to show the valve position locally, and one or two internal switches or sensors for remote indication. The fully sealed aluminum enclosure provides an accurate and reliable valve-position signal. For larger valves that are operated with a gearbox, the SPI is mounted to the gearbox input flange. For smaller valves, it can be mounted directly on the valve and an optional thrust base is available for rising-stem applications. The SPI is available in two versions that are certified for use in hazardous areas. — Rotork PLC, Bath, U.K.