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Focus on Valves

| By Chemical Engineering

Miniature solenoid valves are designed for long service

Solenoid Solutions

Solenoid Solutions

Wattmizer solenoid valves (photos) are designed for compact areas. These energy-efficient solenoid valves have relatively low-wattage coils (ranging from 0.65 to 9 W), and have operating pressures up to 1,200 psi. They are available to operate on both alternating and direct current, respond rapidly in 6 to 9 ms, and provide a wide range of pressure and flow ratings, says the company. They come standard with brass or stainless-steel bodies, and stainless-steel internal parts, making them suitable for most fluid and gas applications. Tests have demonstrated that these valves can function in excess of 60 million cycles without failure, according to the manufacturer. — Solenoid Solutions, Erie, Pa.