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Focus on Valves

| By Chemical Engineering

Compact valve reliably controls air ingress and egress

The ASU-CAV is an automatic, high-pressure, single-body combination air valve, which is suited for clean or dirty service applications in mining, petrochemical, water-treatment, reverse osmosis and high-pressure (150–300 psi) wastewater-treatment applications. Its venting design provides varied and predictable air flow over a wide range of air release and air/vacuum conditions. A large-dia. air/vacuum disc provdes high-volume air flow for rapid venting during pipeline filling, and allows high volumes of air to enter a pipeline during draining. During normal pipeline flow, the dual-range air-release design prevents air buildup and associated flow restrictions under changing conditions and through the full flow range. Available in sizes 1 to 4 in., with all stainless-steel construction, this valve has a relatively lightweight, low-profile design that provides excellent corrosion resistance, and operates without linkages to ensure reliable operation and durability, meeting AWWA C512 requirements, says the firm. — DeZurik/APCO/Hilton, Sartell, Minn.