The world’s first temperature transmitter with Bluetooth

Endress + Hauser
Last November, this company launched its iTEMP TMT71 and TMT72 single-channel transmitters (photo) with user-a friendly operation concept and wireless communication via Bluetooth in conjunction with highly accurate and reliable measurements. The technology is said to offer significant improvements in process efficiency, plant availability and reduced costs. The transmitters are available with an integrated Bluetooth interface that enables users to wirelessly display measured values and perform configuration tasks. The device is easy and fast to operate using the company’s SmartBlue application (app). The device can be configured without the need to previously install device drivers, since they are already stored in the transmitter’s electronics. The configurable transmitters are compatible with signals from resistance thermometer devices (RTD), thermocouples, resistance (Ω) and voltage transmitters (mV), and provide an output via the 4–20-mA signal or the HART 7 communication (TMT72). — Endress + Hauser, Greenwood, Ind.