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Focus on Solids Handling

| By Gerald Ondrey

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Modified-atmosphere FIBC bulk bags for nuts

The storing and transportation of nuts (almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and so on) can be challenging, but there are advantages for using M-A-P flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC) Big Bag (photo). This company’s modified-atmosphere technique for FIBCs does not use chemicals or pesticides for pest control. Instead, a modified atmosphere is created by adjusting O2 and either N2 or CO2 levels within the packaging to the desired value. M-A-P does not just keep the product safe from pests, it also inhibits the growth of micro-organisms and protects against oxidation processes. It also keeps dry products safe from unwanted moisture development. This means that the freshness of the products is maintained and shelf life is elongated. — Masterpack Group USA, Berlin, N.J.

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