Inventory-management software for HART sensors

Binventory (photo) is an advanced inventory-management software that enables plants to manage level data from all vessels with a single program. This allows users to monitor the level of solids or liquids in bins, tanks, or silos from one platform. Binventory is now compatible with sensors using the HART protocol or Modbus output. Binventory works with many types of sensors, including non-contact-radar and guided-wave radar used for level measurement. The software allows for bulk densities and strapping tables to be entered for solids, while entering specific gravity for liquid tanks ensures accurate volumes. Complex vessels of different shapes and sizes are easily configured, such as horizontal tanks, split silos, and non-linear tanks. Users can program automated alerts, access real-time inventory levels and generate historical reports from up to 255 vessels on their PC or tablet. — BinMaster, Lincoln, Neb.