A multi-parameter, handheld device and pH electrode

The Liquiline Mobile CML18 handheld device and Memosens CPL51E laboratory pH sensor (photo) were introduced last November. The multi-parameter handheld device enables easy and reliable monitoring of a variety of critical measured values. The CML18 and the CPL51E pH electrode can be paired together for applications in the laboratory or for grab-sample analysis in the field. Historically, different products are used for laboratory analysis versus process measurements. With the Liquiline Mobile CML18 device, the same Memosens sensors that are used in the process can also be used in the laboratory. This guarantees complete consistency of data. The Liquiline Mobile CML18 device can be operated easily using the intuitive SmartBlue application (app). All measured values and sensor data are transferred via a secure Bluetooth connection to the app on a smartphone or tablet. — Endress+Hauser, Greenwood, Ind.